Working with images in Leaflet

Tiled map services that cover the entire planet are great as background maps to provide spatial context for your GIS data in leaflet. But what do you do, if you have your own images that you want to display in a web map?

I use the term image but, really, it could be any type of raster data.  Perhaps you have spent months creating a least-cost-path surface that you want to share with the world, or maybe you just want to convince your friend that the latest google maps imagery captured an alien mothership hovering over their house.  Whatever your needs, its fairly simple to add an image to your leaflet map.  This video shows how.

This video is one lecture of a course that I am developing on client side web GIS with leaflet. This is an intermediate level course that I expect will be released in mid June. In this course I will assume that you are comfortable with the material in my introductory course Introduction to Web Programming for GIS Applications which you can sign up for now for $35 with the link above.

The course will be released on the Udemy platform, which means that it is self-paced, you can start when you want and take as long as you need. You’ll have lifetime access to the course and you can even download it to a mobile device and take it with you.

I hope that you find the material useful!

4 Replies to “Working with images in Leaflet”

    1. I’m using wordpress. I’m far from expert at it, I’m sure I have a lot of room for improvement on the blog. I’m focusing on the next course and content on the blog right now.

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