New Course: Google Tools for GIS Applications

I am pleased to announce a new course titled “Google Tools for GIS Applications“. This course is an overview of Google Cloud Platform tools, analytical tools, and mapping API’s that may be of interest to geospatial professionals.  The course is broad rather than deep.  My goal is to show you how to get started with many different products with an emphasis on geospatial applications.  In many cases there are existing courses that cover the details but with little information on geospatial applications and this course is intended to fill in those gaps.

Google has an amazing set of tools available in the cloud and elsewhere.  We start with implementing an instance of PostGIS in the Google cloud. Then we import some of that geospatial data into BigQuery for super fast analytical queries.  The results of those queries can be visualized in a variety of ways in Data Studio and those visualizations are easily shared.  I also demonstrate how to store files in the cloud, get started with Google Earth Engine for remote sensing analysis, Colaboratory as a hosted Jupyter Notebook environment, and mapping APIs that allow display of web maps, geolocation, routing, and elevations for any point on earth.

NOTE: As of today April 11, 2022 this course has over 6 1/2 hours of content and covers Cloud SQL, Big Query, Data Studio, Cloud Storage, and Cloud Shell automation. I believe this in itself to be worth the price of the course so I am releasing it now but I will be adding sections on  Earth Engine, and the mapping API’s in November2022.

This course is different from most of my courses because Google tools are not strictly open source.  There are costs associated with some of themthem. But rest assured, Google is very generous with its products.  Some are completely free to use, some have a free tier that you can use up to a certain amount for free, and even their premium products are very affordable for small businesses as you only pay for what you use.

This course, as well as its two suggested pre-requisites “Introduction to Spatial Databases” and “Geospatial Data Science: Geopandas” will be available at an introductory price of $9.99 through April 15, 2022 using the coupon code GOOGLEGIS on

More information on the course is available in the following video.

One Reply to “New Course: Google Tools for GIS Applications”

  1. I am listening to Mike’s courses for a while. I definitely can advise his courses. I was a ESRI GIS desktop specialist, but when I saw the oppurtunities in open source geospatial software world that Mike showed in his courses, I also decided to learn and implemenet these in my career learning path. Thanks Mike!!

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