New Course: Mobile GIS and Mapping Applications with Leaflet

Mobile GIS and Mapping Applications with Leaflet

This course is available now on It will show you how to create a mobile specific mapping application using Leaflet.js including

  • Formatting your web application for mobile device screens
  • Understanding touch screens and adapting your web app for them
  • Making your web app look and feel like a native application
  • Detecting if the user is using a mobile device
  • Detecting if the user is online or not
  • Getting the most out of geolocation
  • Adding simple charts to your application
  • Using web storage to save the state of your application
  • Using web storage to store local versions of vector data
  • Using the Application Cache API to load a local version of your application for off-line use
  • Creating custom base maps with QGIS and QTiles
  • Adding custom base maps to the application cache for offline use

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Why your organization needs a web GIS strategy.

What is web GIS?

When most people think about web GIS, they think about publishing a map or a data set for the world to see.  That’s certainly part of it, but only a small part.  For many years when I would try to sell my employers on the concept of web GIS they would reply “We don’t want everyone to see our proprietary information.”  After digging in and learning more on my own I began to realize that there was much more to web GIS than publishing content. Continue reading “Why your organization needs a web GIS strategy.”